Growing Tomatoes using Grow Bags in hydroponics

In this blog, we will learn to grow tomatoes using cocopeat grow bags, in hydroponic farming. These are flat bed bags filled with cocopith. For this experiment, I used cocopeat grow bags, sourced from a trusted cocopeat grow bags supplier, as it is crucial to use high-quality materials for the best results. These, however, don’t have any nutrients within them so it’s our responsibility to provide all the nutrients required by the plants.

Sowing the Seeds

The seeds were planted in a small pot to grow tomatoes using gardening bags in hydroponics. Once they developed their true leaves, they were transferred to a pro tray. Growing them in a pro tray allows the seedlings to be adequately spaced and nourished to grow robust roots before being transferred to the gardening bags.

Setting Up the Grow Bags

Gardening bags are typically about 3 feet long and contain compressed cocopeat slabs. These are ideal for growing 3-4 plants per bag. To prepare:

Hydrate the Cocopeat: Run water through the grow bag using a pipe. As the cocopeat absorbs water, it expands. Give it some time to fully hydrate. After fully expanding, the grow bag is prepared for use.


Make Drainage Slits: Carefully create slits 0.5-1 inch above the bottom surface of the grow bag at 2-3 places on the sides.This enables excess water to escape while reducing water evaporation from the medium.

Transplanting the Seedlings: To transplant, I used fruit boxes cut into three sections to hold the plants while they were small. The seedlings from the pro tray were transplanted into the gardening bags, three plants per bag.

Watering the Tomato Plants: Hand-watering is feasible, though quite challenging with the tiny openings of bags. At first, you can water by hand for couple of weeks. Once plants begains growing in size, you can opt for drip irrigation installation, where the system uses spaghetti drip wires that deliver water direct to the plants along with nutrients.

cocopeat soaked in water

Advantages of Growing with Cocopeat Grow Bags

Space Economy: With the grow bags, compact gardening can be done. Compact gardening is ideal for small spaces.


Healthy Roots: Aeration by gardening bags improves root growth.


Water Retention: Cocopeat retains water well, so you need not water it too frequently.


Nutrient Control: Since cocopeat bags start nutrient-free, you have complete control over the nutrients provided.

Growing tomatoes in cocopeat grow bags is a best experience. With proper setup, care, and a little patience, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious tomatoes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, give cocopeat grow bags a try and see the results for yourself!

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